Height Adjustable Tables in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune and all over India
Height adjustable desks are used by employees so that they can stand while working or even sit using the same table. We are the manufacturer of height adjustable tables & supply pan India through our associate partners. In recent days, Elephants Office has been continuously supplying Electric Height Adjustable & Manual Height Adjustable to Pune, Bangalore, Mumbai and Hyderabad. This table is also called as sit to stand desk, sit stand table, motorized desk table etc. The name sit stand desk itself denotes the purpose & the end use.
Height Adjustable Desks
As per today’s corporate culture, professionals are prone to sit on desk for almost 9 hours a day. Though these professionals are exercising daily at gym or home or having some sort of yoga, it is still not enough to maintain their health, as they are stuck on a chair while for long hours. Ultimately, resulting into many health hazards. There is a high risk of having back pain issues, cardiovascular disease affecting in the long term.

After many researches, it was proved that sitting for 9 hours a day is the root cause of employee’s mental & emotional stress. Hence, Elephants Office came up with an invention and we call it as Height Adjustable Standing Desk. In Short, the simple solution to all this problem is using Adjustable Standing Desk. Using this Sit Stand Desk allows user to switch from seated working position to a standing working one. Trust us, there are bunch of advantages of utilizing these Standing Desk which you will experience in nearly 8 – 10 Days after using it.
As said earlier, today’s work culture compels us to sit long hours, this ultimately results in chronic health problems of back soreness, severe backaches, low blood flow and many others. After few research reports, it was confirmed that this problem is not only because of long hours sitting but also due to incorrect seating posture. Every individual is different in terms of their height(physique). Some are 6 feet tall, while some 5 feet, a normal desk is around 2.5 feet in India, which is ideal for 5.6 Feet person but not for others. Hence, to maximize the accuracy of seating posture and to overcome the compulsion of sitting, height adjustable table was introduced to stand and work at regular intervals.
Electric Height Adjustable Table
Its time to switch from conventional desk to Electric Standing Desk. It consists of controller, 40 decibel motor, wire cables, Metallic base frame and Table-Top.
This desk requires electricity to function and change its height. Electricity flows through the cable to the motor and there is a controller attached to the motor. The controller contains buttons (up/down) which allows the user to press and either lower the height at 690mm or raise to 1230mm. The time required for raising the desk from lower to highest is 40mm/s. The load carrying capacity of this sit stand desk is around 120 kgs (uniformly distributed load) and 80 Kgs while lifting upwards.
Features and Technical Details of Electric Height Adjustable Table:
- Easy to use: Adjust the height of the desk, just by pressing a button of the controller.
- Durability: As it is a steel made product, it last for at least 10 yrs.
- Electric Motor: The motor is thermal and protected for safety durability.
- Anti-Collision: It has in built anti-collision system which prevent the table to avoid collision against any other products such file cabinets, pedestal etc.
- Less Noise: The noise of the motor during operation is less than 50 decibels.
- Cable Management: A wire riser keeps all the wiring in an aligned and organised manner.
- 4-point memory Locking system: The controller has 4 extra buttons which allows to allocate a certain level of height of the desk with fixed positions.
- Adjustable Width: The width of the table is adjustable before defining the table-top size. It can be changed at any given point of time with replacement in table-top.
Manual Height Adjustable Table
The table of which the height can be increase through a mechanical force is called as Manual Height Adjustable Desk. It consists of PVC handle, metallic base frame, and wooden top. This tables are ideal for offices, home, school and almost every working environment.
The hand crank is foldable inward, removable and offers very smooth and easy functional rotation to adjust the height. The user needs to rotate this handle or hand-crank in a clockwise manner to increase the height of the desk, anti-clockwise manner to decrease the height of the desk. This Sit Stand desk are the lowest in price due to absence of motor and offer equivalent features. The hand crank is located under the tabletop and can folded inward to avoid collision. The table-top is made up of prelaminated board having a thickness of 25mm. The width of this table is adjustable from minimum 1200mm to maximum 1750mm. Similarly, the height adjustment ranges from 590mm to 1245mm.
Features and Technical Details of Manual Height Adjustable Table
- Stability: The 2-stage column and 3 stage columns provide internal strength.
- Foldable handle: Prevents collision, interface between the table and you.
- Stylish in design. Due to sleek design structure the products look far aesthetic
- Adjustable Levellers: The bottom section consist of levellers to adjust the height if the floor is uneven.
- Adjustable Width: This allows user to choose their size as per their available space in home and offices.
- Noiseless Operation: As there is no motor present, there is no sound during its operation.
Know more about Height Adjustable Desk
Why user needs Adjustable Standing Desk ?
Well, the main purpose is to stand while working at least for a few hours. We do a lot sitting outside, whether it is watching TV, driving, parties. Due to this immobile position, there is a limited blood supply throughout the body. Work for at least 2 hours without sitting and by using Stand up desk. This will also allow you to release your back stress Now a days employees are majorly facing back pain issue and as per the research report working for 2 hours a day in standing position will eradicate the back pain issue forever. Thus, Motorized Adjustable Desk plays a multifunctional role, allowing user to adjust the height of the table as per their comfortable position. Employees who regulary switch between a sitting and standing positions will obviously have more energy, experience reduced fatigue levels, and reduce their risk of injury caused by working in one body position too long. Concluding to a short statment “Adjustable height desks allow the user to select a working position that is ideal for their body.”

Key Features of Sit Stand Desk
Elephants Office Sit Stand Desk are highly sturdy and durable. This height adjustable computer tables are having a minimum height of 2.2 Feet and maximum height 3.8 Feet. It has a remote attached to the table top which allows user to decrease or increase the height of the table. If its a manual standing desk, then its with a hand crank. The most important features are mentioned below
Screen Height: When it comes to screen positioning, it will vary slightly from person to person depending upon their height. Adjusting tables gets your screen at exact height of your eye length.
Viewing Distance: The distance should be optimal to avoid straining your vision. you should be able to see the entire screen and work comfortably without straining your vision or moving any part of your body.
Angle: Your experience to neck pain reflects the fixed angle of your screen. Timely adjustment & making a 90 Degree is the perfect solution.

Variants of Height-Adjustable Tables in India
Well, Height-Adjustable Desk comes in two variants.
1] 2 stage height ajdustable Desk: Height ranges from minimum 690 mm to maximum 1120 mm and 1145 mm with table top. (Ideal for 5 Feet 7 inch person)
2] 3 stage height adjustable Desk: Height ranges from minimum 590 mm to maximum 1220 mm and 1245 with table top. (Ideal for 6 Feet 1 inch person)
Further it again categorised in two parts that is electric motorized Sit Stand Desk which is the most preferred item in India, while another is manual Sit Stand Desk or also called as hand crank Sit Stand Desk.
The electric version of Standing Desk is widely used by people as it gives an ease in adjustable the height just by a press of a button. Its further divided into two parts.

Height Adjustable Tables in Mumbai and Pune

Elephants Office founded in 2013, is a professional manufacturer that specializing in design, development and production of Height Adjustable Desk in Pune, India. The electronic component such controllers and motor are imported from overseas market. Being into furniture industry since more than 25 years, our next generation has started manufacturing sit stand desk using the finest quality of raw material and modern technological machines.
Initially this product was slow moving item, but due to Covid-19 crisis, professionals are working from home and hence height adjustable desk is in great demand in Pune for Home use. We are committee in making high quality technical products in Pune and supplying all over India through our associate partners. There are two types of variant Electric Height Adjustable Tables and Manual Height Adjustable Tables.
Shipping and Installation: Elephants Office ensures free shipping and installation at your address within 4 days delivery time.
Height Adjustable Tables in Bangalore and Hyderabad

We are honoured to be named as “Best Height Adjustable Desk” supplier by Warrywound in Bangalore, India for year 2019-2020. Our aim was to help people and organisation to increase productivity by eliminating health hazards. As suggested by researcher’s sitting on chair for longer period causes a resistance in performance of the employee and creates cramps in their back. Our team adopted the new terminology of “stand while you work”, which made us think to evolve a new type of Desk which is widely known today. We have associated channel partner in Bangalore through which we are supplying our products and in no time, we have reached to thousand plus customers. Our production and design team are dedicated to constantly enhance the quality and keeping the price as low as possible.
It has been 5 Years we have been at the forefront of standing desk products. Our team has been designing this product in Hyderabad itself. Manufacturing all the steel product locally in Hyderabad, India and globally sourced motor is core to our success.
5 Top Benefits of using Standing Desks
1] Good Health: Exercise is very important part of life, however sitting on a chair continuously for longer period is almost equivalent of having 2 packets of cigarettes a day. In a continuous sitting position, the muscle activity of your legs and back is zero. Standing up all day is also not a solution. The best way is to stand in regular interval during working hours or at least 2 hours a day while working. During this process, the spine and muscle has movements which promotes health benefits
2] Correct Body Posture: The table height and the chair decide your body posture while working. Prolong sitting results in muscle breakdowns and creates a negative impact on musculoskeletal system. Later it creates cramps in neck muscle and over a period your shoulder moves forward from the body’s ideal alignment resulting in rounded shoulder problems. Using the height at different variants at regular intervals prevents all this issues and thus, helps in maintain correct body posture of your body.
3] Protects your joints such as knee, spine, and ankles: Height adjustable are meant to be ergonomic solution. The activity of changing desk position automatically changes the angle of your hands, legs, and spine. The movement of your joints makes stress free. Complication of the back, neck, and shoulder as well as in the joints are reduced to high extent by using Standing Desk.
4] Prevents Obesity to some extent: It’s quite obvious, sitting prolong will affect your body structure and won’t burn any of your calories. Not even standing and working using Height adjustable desk will cause any change. But working in standing position makes us slight movement in positions. The best way we recommend is also to walk in regular interval within your workspace at least twice a day for minimum 3 minutes except lunch hours.
5] Increases Productivity: Employees needs to fully concentrate on their work, and must not constantly distracted by neck tension, fatigue, or back pain, this eventually hampers their efficiency. Many of the times, important decisions must be made, project discussions, meetings. Though the pain is negligible to some, but the discomfort decreases their productivity. A Stand-Up Desk is of great advantage which is good for discussion, training or even stand up meetings. Increase efficiency through highly productive work saves time at least 15%.
Manual VS Electric Adjustable Sit Stand Desk: Which one is the best for you?
One of the most common question asked by our customers is what the difference between these two models? Which is the best model compared to our budget and usage? If you too are having the same question, then…
Let’s solve your problems and clearly understand the difference:
Buy Electric Height Adjustable Desk for the below reasons:
Buy Manual Adjustable Sit Stand Desk for the below reasons:
- Its fast and very easy to use. Change the height by just pressing the button.
- You have issue with your wrist or hand that will make a constrain in movement of handle.
- You tend to continuously change the position form sitting to standing and vice versa.
- Your desk is used by multiple users.
- You are lazy enough to rotate the handle 3 -4 times in a day.
- You have heavier items on your desktop as electric desk capacity is approx. 80 Kgs.
- You are not switching from sitting to standing and vice versa more often.
- Lesser in price compared to electric one.
- No electricity required, saves money.
- No Motor, means no wiring management.
- You have planned heavy items on the table as manual desk capacity is approx. 130 Kgs.